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Rethinking the world order?

The global power structure has been creaking for years. Global debates are based on fear and self-centeredness that strives for economic and military power. European elections are now coming up, followed by several state elections in Germany and the US elections later in the year. But what choice do we have and what questions do we need to ask ourselves? How do we deal with the various opposing power interests in a world in disarray? If we think in terms of domination, where does that lead us? If states don't have friends but interests - shouldn't we also consider the interests of others in the interests of sustainability and a growing world population? Are we asking the right questions about the future? How do we want to live in the future? The following personalities address these issues:
Prof. Dr. Joseph Stiglitz
Nobel Prize Winner for Economics, best selling author and most cited economist in the world. Since pioneering a new branch of economics ‘The Economics of Information’, he has continued to offer tools for policy analysts. He explores how markets are influenced and the effects of various circumstances on their success. Concluding with views on how performance can be improved. With humour he delivers the most informative of messages that convey the global economic context with ease.
Dr. Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg
is one of Europe's best-known politicians, former Minister of Economics and Technology and former Minister of Defence. He is now an entrepreneur, lobbyist, management consultant, television presenter (RTL) and podcaster. As a "Distinguished Statesman" (non-resident) at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, he promotes transatlantic dialogue on current political, economic and financial issues. Since 2011, he has been a senior advisor to the EU Commission's "No Disconnect Strategy", which provides strategic advice to internet users, bloggers and cyber activists living in authoritarian regimes.
Joschka Fischer
Former Foreign Minister and Vice-Chancellor (Germany). Thanks to his extensive experience as the voice and as a decision maker in politics, Joschka Fischer gives not only an insight into the tendencies of international political developments and the socio and business scene, but also demonstrates what it takes to successfully negotiate on the international platform. His leadership skills and his outstanding rhetoric qualities have made him one of the most requested political speakers across the globe.
Dr. Parag Khanna
leading Global Strategy Advisor, world traveler, and Best-Selling Author. He is Founder and Managing Partner of FutureMap, a data and scenario based strategic advisory firm. Parag has been an adviser to the US National Intelligence Council’s Global Trends 2030 program.
Rüdiger von Fritsch
From 2014 to 2019 German Ambassador in Moscow, previously, from 2010 to 2014, German Ambassador in Warsaw. Since 2020, he has been a partner in the consulting agency "Berlin Global Advisors".

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