Dr. Theodor WaigelGerman Minister of Finance 1989-1998
David WallerJournalist and Author of Wheels on Fire, the inside story of the ...
Prof. Dr. Ulrich WalterGerman Science Astronaut
Heiko WasserF1 commentator
Dr. Wolfram WeimerJournalist, publicist, publisher Weimer Media Group
Markus WeiseFormer Trainer of German Hockey-Team with 3 olympic Gold Medals
Professor Dr. Ewald WesslingExpert on Social Media and Digital Change
Fabian WesterheideEntrepreneur and investor for Artificial Intelligence
Martin WezowskiSAP’s Chief Futurist
Ulrich WickertPresenter, writer and politically committed publicist
Prof. Dr. Ernst-Ludwig WinnackerPresident of German Research Foundation, Biochenmist
Eckart WitzigmannRenowned Cook, Germany's No.1 Chef, Owner of Restaurant "Aubergine"
Hans Rudolf WöhrlBusinessman and extraordinary service provider