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Artificial Intelligence - Promise or Pandora's Box?

We hear and read about artificial intelligence and machine learning everywhere, but it is difficult to find an orientation in the entire field, which ranges from enthusiasm for technology to apocalypse. Where are the opportunities, where are the risks? Where do large language models in the form of ChatGPT, image generators such as DALL-E or Midjourney, and image and speech analysis make life and work easier for us? What is important to consider when using them? Are all professions sustainable or which ones need to transform or become obsolete? How can we regulate this large area in a meaningful way without hindering innovation and without waking up in a world of deep fakes where orientation is hardly possible? How do we make complex technical systems transparent so that we can regulate them at all? What importance do we attach to education and knowledge? How do we want to live at all and what role do we want to assign to people and machines in a "good life"? How do we conduct a critical, constructive discourse in which as many people as possible can find themselves and participate? The following personalities deal with this complex of topics:
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmidhuber
is a computer scientist and artist known for his work on machine learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), artificial neural networks, digital physics, and low-complexity art. His contributions also include generalizations of Kolmogorov complexity and the Speed Prior. Since 1995 he has been co-director of the Swiss AI Lab IDSIA in Lugano, since 2009 also professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Lugano.
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Thrun
is a celebrated IT-Visionary, researcher and entrepreneur. He is Co-Founder and CEO of the online education startup Udacity, a Google Fellow and a Research Professor at Stanford University working through robotics to change the way we understand the world. At Google he founded Google X where he oversaw the development of self-driving cars and the Google Glass.
Martin Wezowski
The SAP’s Chief Futurist. He is responsible for SAP's long term innovation vision as a fundament for SAP's corporate foresight and innovation strategy. He's mission is to "know and show what is next for SAP and the future of work", more specifically, he crafts future software and platform concepts, narratives and outlooks, defines and runs innovation frameworks to prepare SAP’s and it's vast ecosystem for the future.
Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Ranga Yogeshwar
Physicist and explains science for everyone in a clear and understandable way, not only in the show "Quarks & Co." (until 2018). For him, science is an essential and exciting part of life that needs to be explored, questioned and communicated. "Jeden Tag einen Happen Erkenntnis" is the motto of the ARD program "Wissen vor 8," which he developed and hosted.
Sascha Lobo
publicist, very successful author, journalist, blogger and strategy consultant with the focus on internet and brand communication. He is a popular guest in talkshows and interview partner in TV news broadcasts. From 2002 to 2006 he worked for various advertising agencies and for "one third of the DAX companies". Lobo deals with the impact of the internet and new technologies on society, economy, politics and culture, with the digital world from social media to digital work processes of companies.

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