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Hannes Jaenicke | Redner & Perspektiven - Die internationale Redneragentur
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Hannes Jaenicke

possible topics:

  • Acting
  • Environment and animal welfare
  • Morals and ethics


  • Die große Sauerei: Wie Agrarlobby und Lebensmittelindustrie uns belügen und betrügen (2022)
  • Aufschrei der Meere: Was unsere Ozeane bedroht und wie wir sie schützen müssen (2019)
  • Wer der Herde folgt, sieht nur Ärsche: Warum wir dringend Helden brauchen (2017)
  • Detox - 100 Dinge, die Sie tun können, um sich (und die Welt) zu entgiften (2017)
  • Die große Volksverarsche: Wie Industrie und Medien uns zum Narren halten. Ein Konsumenten-Navi (2013)
  • Wut allein reicht nicht. Wie wir die Erde vor uns schützen können (2010)

Hannes Jaenicke

Hannes Jaenicke

Hannes Jaenicke is a popular actor, documentary filmmaker and author. He is actively involved in environmental protection and was awarded the Bavarian State Medal in 2020 for his commitment.

"We are constantly being told that we have to buy, buy and buy again. That is, of course, a disaster for sustainability."
Hannes Jaenicke spent part of his childhood in the USA and completed his acting training at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna. Born in Frankfurt, he can be seen in numerous film and television productions. In addition to his work as an actor, he produces environmental documentaries for ZDF every year, many of which have already won several awards.

In 2020, Hannes Jaenicke was awarded the Bavarian State Medal. It is the highest award given by the state of Bavaria for "special services to the environment". He is involved with numerous organisations such as Greenpeace, the Tibetan human rights organisation International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) and AGA - Aktionsgemeinschaft Artenschutz.

As part of his event engagements, Hannes Jaenicke prefers the moderated interview on topics close to his heart: Environmental protection and nature conservation. He lives what he says and says what he lives. Consistently and authentically, Hannes Jaenicke lets the audience share his rich experiences and makes them think. He speaks German and English.

possible topics:

  • Acting
  • Environment and animal welfare
  • Morals and ethics


  • Die große Sauerei: Wie Agrarlobby und Lebensmittelindustrie uns belügen und betrügen (2022)
  • Aufschrei der Meere: Was unsere Ozeane bedroht und wie wir sie schützen müssen (2019)
  • Wer der Herde folgt, sieht nur Ärsche: Warum wir dringend Helden brauchen (2017)
  • Detox - 100 Dinge, die Sie tun können, um sich (und die Welt) zu entgiften (2017)
  • Die große Volksverarsche: Wie Industrie und Medien uns zum Narren halten. Ein Konsumenten-Navi (2013)
  • Wut allein reicht nicht. Wie wir die Erde vor uns schützen können (2010)