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Speaker Bulletin September 2017

Speaker Bulleting September 2017 - Cover - small

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Aus der aktuellen Ausgabe


Speaker Bulleting September 2017 - CoverA popular meme in both the press and populist politics is that automation is eating the jobs of the working class. While there is disruption in some industries, we see in Europe, North America, Japan, and now China, a shortage of labor for many manual jobs. With pressures against immigration, rising educational and aspirational levels, and a demographic shift to older workers, neither increases in wages nor today's operational automation is enough to fill the gaps that are opening. With our aging populations we are going to be faced with productivity crises across food production, manufacturing, fulfillment operations, and in elder care itself. There lie incredible opportunities for those who can match today's barely adequate technologies to practical business models.

Artificial Intelligence and deep learning are helping robots get better at physical tasks, and hence helping automation. But we tend to overestimate just what AI and learning algorithms can achieve in the short term of the next decade or two. Current technologies are good at classificationtasks and in learning patterns in certain classes of data (e.g. in continuous signals such as from a microphone, a temperature sensor, or an electrical current meter), but not in some others (e.g. there are still challenges in understanding complex three dimensional....»Hier können Sie das Speaker Bulletin vom September 2017 herunterladen

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Dr. Parag Khanna

Führender globaler Strategieberater, Weltreisender und Bestsellerautor. Er ist Managing Partner von FutureMap, einer daten- und szenariobasierten strategischen Beratungsfirma. Dr. Khanna ist ein indisch-amerikanischer Autor und Experte für internationale Beziehungen und gilt als einer der führenden Geo-Strategen, der mehr als 100 Länder besuchte. Er ist CNN-Experte für Globalisierung und Geopolitik.