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Speaker Bulletin Mai 2017

Speaker Bulletin May 2017-small

Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden über aktuelle Themen und Persönlichkeiten.

Mit dem englischsprachigen 'Speaker Bulletin' informieren wir Sie über Neuigkeiten, Ereignisse und Entwicklungen auf dem 'Rednermarkt' und geben Ihnen Einblicke in die Aktivitäten unseres globalen CSA Netzwerks (Celebrity Speakers Associates).

In der aktuellen Ausgabe finden Sie Beiträge von bzw. über Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Klaus Schweinsberg, Ray Hammond und weiteren.


Aus der aktuellen Ausgabe


Speaker Bulletin May 2017Klaus Schweinsberg is an acknowledged expert and top management adviser on economy and strategic leadership. He is Chairman of the Centre for Strategy and Higher Leadership and member of the Governance Commission for family-owned businesses.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. This 80's song of Billy Ocean very much describes the situation we are in - be it in politics or business life. Voters as well as shareholders now ask for strong leaders.  We live in times that are extremely volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.

In this uncertain and insecure environment people want leaders with a clear vision of where to go, with the guts to take tough decisions and the will to execute these decisions without compromise.

The ugly problem is neither companies nor political parties have been breeding this type of strong leader during recent decades. The established career systems prefer agreeable but weak characters because the nice and the wise guys produce less friction within the system than strong personalities....»Hier können Sie das Speaker Bulletin vom Mai 2017 herunterladen

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