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Speaker Bulletin Dezember 2017

CSA Speaker Bulletin December 2017 - Cover - small

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Mit dem englischsprachigen 'Speaker Bulletin' informieren wir Sie über Neuigkeiten, Ereignisse und Entwicklungen auf dem 'Rednermarkt' und geben Ihnen Einblicke in die Aktivitäten unseres globalen CSA Netzwerks (Celebrity Speakers Associates).

In der aktuellen Ausgabe finden Sie Beiträge von bzw. über Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Niall Ferguson, Bertrand Piccard, Bruce Dickinson und weiteren.


Aus der aktuellen Ausgabe

THE SILENT MAJORITY THAT FAVOURS FREE TRADE - by Anders Fogh Rasmussen, CEO of Rasmussen Global, Former Secretary General of NATO and Prime Minister of Denmark

It’s a frequently repeated message that globalisation and free trade has gone out of fashion. How else do you explain the success of the Vote Leave campaign in the EU referendum in the United Kingdom and the rise of Donald Trump? But perhaps the answer is less clear cut. A Pew Research Center survey from November 2017 shows that a majority of Americans (56 percent) believe NAFTA is “good for the U.S.,” and only 33 percent say it is bad. And the percentage of Republicans saying that trade helped the U.S. economy surged over 20 points from 2016 to 2017. In Europe, you see a similar trend. A recent Eurobarometer study showed that 73% of all EU citizens view free trade as positive and a similar study showed that more than sixty percent of Europeans think that globalisation is an opportunity for economic growth.

It’s time to take a more nuanced approach to trade policy. After all, free trade brings net benefits for both societies and people; but adjustments to trade patterns can also leave communities and individuals behind, with the gains dispersed widely and the losses often concentrated locally. The right policies are needed to create a more solid basis for future trade so that everybody can see that the international trading system is creating prosperity for....»Hier können Sie das Speaker Bulletin vom Dezember 2017 herunterladen

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Prof. Dr. Harald Welzer

Soziologe und Sozialpsychologe, Mitbegründer und Direktor von „FUTURZWEI. Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit“. Er leitet das Norbert-Elias-Center for Transformation Design an der Europa Universität Flensburg, lehrt dort Transformationsdesign und als ständiger Gastprofessor Sozialpsychologie an der Universität Sankt Gallen.