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Top 50 Business Thinkers

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As a partner of CSA Celebrity Speakers we are proud to present a selection of 'The Thinkers 50' 2013 ranking, the definitive listing of the world's 50 most influential business minds. The Thinkers50 Awards are widely regarded as the 'Oscars of management thinking'.

The Thinkers 50

CSA Celebrity Speakers is a proud sponsor and media partner of The Thinkers 50 and is your link to booking the top gurus for speaking engagements, boardroom advisories and consulting engagements.

The Thinkers50 was the first-ever global ranking of management thinkers. Awarded and published every two years the Thinkers50 has broadened since its launch in 2001 to include a range of activities that support its mission of identifying and sharing the best management thinking in the world. TheThinkers50 Ranking remains the premier ranking of its kind. CSA Celebrity Speakers, as a world leading speaker bureau, is proud to work with many of theThinkers50 luminaries.

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Aktuelle Bücher von Prof. Dr. Gabriel Felbermayer

Prof. Dr. Gabriel Felbermayr ist ein exzellenter österreichischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, gefragter Kommentator und seit dem 1. Oktober


Bei Frank Astor neu im Repertoire: Der energiegeladene Crashkurs zu ChatGPT & Co.

Frank Astor ist begeisternder Trainer und Coach, Moderator, erfolgreicher Autor, faszinierender Visionär und fesselnder Entertainer. Mit
