Jeremy Rifkin
Founder and President, Foundation on Economic Trends
Jeremy Rifkin is a Professor at the Wharton School, Pennsylvania University where he lectures to CEOs and senior-management in the famed Advanced Management Program. Currently, Mr. Rifkin is advising the European Union and other governments as well as Fortune 500 companies, on actions that should be taken immediately to address the triple threat of the global financial crisis, energy crisis, and climate change.
One of the leading big-picture thinkers of our day
Mr. Rifkin is the Chairman of the Third Industrial Revolution Global CEO Business Roundtable, made up of 100 of the world’s leading corporations and trade associations that are creating the infrastructure for a new low-carbon energy era and accompanying economic paradigm. As the Founder and President of The Foundation on Economic Trends he examines the economic, environmental, social and cultural impacts of new technologies introduced into the global economy.
A master of speech, he addresses the impact of scientific and technological changes on the economy, workforce, society and the environment. Unprecedented consequences are emerging out of the shift from industrial to cultural production, and his informed insight on this is unparalleled.
Highly engaging and fluid, his style is nonetheless very well punctuated allowing time to absorb his powerful messages.
He presents in English.